Day 7, Atlantic Crossing

1230Z 24DEC18, Day 7, Atlantic Crossing. Christmas Eve and 1 full week at sea! Yesterday afternoon the winds continued to drop and hung around 5-10kts before falling below 5kts after dark. We really tried to keep sailing, which was rather slow, but in the end our batteries needed a charge and we turned on the motor just before 2200Z. We were back to sailing around 0730Z this morning. We are sailing a reach with the asymmetric and full main in 10-12kts true wind and making good speed again on a course of 265T.

Current Position: 18 17.4N 028 35.6W
24 hour progress: 107nm, 4.5kts avg SOG, 1011nm total progress, approximately 1820nm to go. Yesterday was a very grey day, but today is warm and sunny.

Yesterday was an eventful day - we all swam in the ocean! There was a baking disaster with butter, sugar and egg everywhere! Then there was a successful baking attempt for take 2 without further incident.

We had very little wind for a large part of the day which allowed us to bring in the sail, put a line out with fenders and jump off the bow. Everyone took a turn and the water was quite pleasant, around 72F. We tried to keep sailing but by nighttime our batteries were too low and the wind fell to 3kts so we motored for about 10 hours rather than bobbing in the dark like a discarded cork.

While it was disappointing that we needed to turn on the engine: we have the fuel, we just didn't have the wind, and the batteries needed a charge. Everything else is good and everyone is in high Christmas spirits. No real change on the refrigerator, we run it, give it breaks, and keep an eye on it.

Merry Christmas!!!


  1. Hoping Santa brings some wind, and some fish. Merry Christmas!
    Craig Jackman

  2. What other types of fish might be catchable and edible

  3. I am predicting a little over 12 more days - want to start a pool...
